Every animal in the whole planet lives with food. but, the main source of food is only through plants.Human beings are mostly depend upon agriculture for all their food requirements in all the countries.once upon a time where there is an undeveloped technology is ruling, the human's were depending only on agriculture but,now that scenario been changed due to the high development in technology as the sources of income becomes diversified. so,at this stage everyone is looking at sources of income where by neglecting the agricultural resources. it made the shortage for food or high demand as well.Coming to the Indian scenario, the major part of G.D.P is coming from agriculture sector.but, its been showing a gradual decrease in this slope of agriculture.Every Indian has the part of responsible in this regard.this is the time to think of our future of agriculture because of high growth in the population its very difficult for our country to manage with the existed agricultural resources. so, as to develop this agriculture not only government but, it is the responsibly of every individual to motivate or to take part in developing the agriculture and its development.
my dear readers..
i just as a citizen of india, i would like to start a Foundation for Agriculture and its related threads. i dont think i can change whole country but,my intiation can change at least few responcible beings of this country. i also invite all of you to share your suggestions and information with my web site which is going to be starting soon..
with regards..
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