Thursday, July 10, 2008

strategic recruitment questionnaire

Questionnaire on “Strategic recruitment”

1. What is the functional importance of your organization? Mention the activities of your organization?

2. What are some of your organization’s future needs for personnel?

3. Has your organization prepares the strategic planning for recruitment?
a) Always b) sometimes c) if necessary d) never
4. Who determines the positioning of HR in your organization?
a) C.E.O b) BOARD c) HR department

5. What are the different drivers for HR in your organization?
a) Business needs b) staff needs c) external factors d) legislation
6. What are the different types of Human Resources required for the organization for its function?

7. What are the current challenges of hr facing in your organization?
a)internal capability b) outsourcing c) recruitment D) others
8. What you expect the future challenges of HR facing in your organization?
a) Return on investment b) positioning c) meeting business need d) others
9. is your organization looking for the employees for
a)temporary basis b) permanent basis c) contact basis
10. Is the influence of HR in your organization?
a) Increasing b) decreasing c) staying the same
11. Has your organization follow any methods of recruitment?
a)Traditional methods b) modern methods
12. What are the recruitment sources used in your organization?






13. What is the need for your organization for recruitment?
a) Future purpose b) just in time c) both
14. Is training provided for those who conduct interviews?
a) Yes b) No
15. What is the interview process that is used in your organization?
a) Individual b) sequential c) panel
16. Do you have a recruitment pool data base in your organization?
a)Yes b) No
17. What are the different forms of attracting the candidate to your organization?
a) News paper ads b) recruiting agencies & employee referrals c) job fair d) all
18. in giving the weight age does the organization look for relevant work experience?
a) Always b) sometimes c) acc to the job criteria d) never
19. How will your organization prefer the candidates to apply for particular job?
a) Qualification b) experience c) both
20. Where will your organization conduct the recruitment programmes?
a) Within the organization b) outside the organization c) both
21. Do you have a referral policy in your organization?
a) Yes b) no
22. If yes, is there any reward for referring employees?
a) Yes b) no
23. Is the age factor is taken into consideration while you recruit?
a) Yes b) no
24. Is the gender factor is taken in to consideration while you recruit?
a) Yes b) no c) based on job description

25. Does your organization consider the family back ground of the candidate?
a) Yes b) no
26. Does company conduct
a) Psychometric test b) aptitude test c) both
27. Does the company update these question papers frequently?
a) Yes b) no
28. Does the company test the candidate’s integrity?
a) Yes b) no
29. Does the organization have good infrastructure and sufficient volume to conduct the recruitment?
a) Yes b) no
30. Does the recruiter give the detailed information about the job to the candidate before recruitment?
a) Yes b) no
31. How will your organization inform to the candidate if he/she was selected?
a)Mail b) phone c)both a & b d) not informed
32. Does your organization follow the bond system?
a) Yes b) no
33. Do you give the feed back to the candidate if he/she rejected?
a) Yes b) no c) if they questioned
34. Do you take candidate feedback on recruitment process?
a) Yes b) no
35. Once the candidate is recruited is there any further assessment for employees
a) Yes b) no


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